
Quarteera e.V.

Quarteera is a network of Russian-speaking LGBTIQ people in Germany. They are working to confront the homophobia and hostility in the Russian-speaking community and are in contact with LGBTIQ organisations in the successor states of the former USSR.



Initiative Schwarzer Menschen in Deutschland e.V.

The Initiative is a self-organisation of and for Black people in Germany. They are creating a network, and offer educational projects and publicity for empowerment (of Black people) and against racism.

There are some individual local groups, e.g. in Cologne. There has been a task group for the interests and needs of  LGBTIQ people for some years now, that aims to “connect and strengthen non-heterosexual and / or non-bisexual living/loving people in the ISD”.



Agisra e.V.

Agisra is an “autonomous, feminist information and counseling center by and for migrant, refugee, and black women and all those affected by racism” in Cologne.



Women in Exile e.V.

Women in Exile is an initiative of women with refugee exprience, who fight for their rights and aim to empower each other and women with similar experiences. The focus of the group is Berlin and Brandenburg.



Youth without borders

Youth without Borders is a Germany-wide association of refugee youth and young adults, who are politically involved and fight for their rights together. There is a group in North Rhine-Westphalia.



Initiative Queer Roma

The Initiave Queer Roma fights against racism and homophobia and works to connect and empower LGBTIQ Roma and Romnja.



Empowerment-Network of #MAQ (More than Queer) for all LGBTIAQ* of Color

2- 3 meetings per year for all LGBTIAQ* with a refugee or migration background as well as all lgbtiaq* people of Color who want to network and are engaged in (local) empowerment projects in North Rhine-Westphalia.



Demask Cologne
Collective of and for queer people of Color



Sofra Cologne
Self-organized group of and for lgbtiq* people with a refugee and migration background and supporters to create their own support structure and transfer knowledge.



SPEKTRUM, a group for all young lgbtiq* people aims at fostering exchange between BPoC* and LGBTIAQ initiatives in order to take collective action and raise awareness.
